Phase 1:
To increase the funds available for those in need, as well as other resources, and to increase relational engagement from local churches to people in financial need.
What is it:
Circles phase 1 is a partnership between local churches: they have shared funds with each other and have committed to providing volunteers to serve in two roles, as both people to manage the distribution of funds and to serve as mentors to those receiving funds. Connected to Circles is additional programs such as Circles Phase 2 that focusses heavily on working an active plan in relationship with an adult mentor to overcome poverty and provide connection to a local church. TSC serves as the administrative partner, serving as a neutral location, scheduler, trainer, and resource.
How it works:
As one of the partner churches receives a request for financial support, contact info is gathered, and that information is shared with TSC in order to coordinate schedules to meet with the person making the request and a church volunteer.
What we hope will take place at the first meeting:
The first meeting is intended to accomplish three things:
Hear the person’s story so as to better understand their situation.
Introduce them to any resource that may aid them immediately.
Acquaint them with local churches and Transform Scott County for long term relationship support.
After the first meeting, a follow-up process is initiated to maintain contact and support.
If your church would like more information about the Circles, please contact Transform Scott County.
Phase 2:
Circles is intended to help families overcome poverty through relationships, resources, a plan of action, and intentional effort.
What is it and how it works:
Circles is a collaborative effort between adults committed to getting out of poverty (Circle Leaders) and community members who are willing to help them overcome barriers. The Circle Leaders are encouraged and supported on their journey to complete an 18-month program in which they establish goals and future plans to help them exit poverty.